
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What to Wear for Exams

I have a query for our readers. I know you're out there, because the stat counter says so. I hope a direct question will get you to start commenting. We want this to be an open discussion!

I take my PhD exams (prelims, quals, whatever you call them in your department) in 29 days, and I'm stumped as to what I should wear! I want to be comfortable and not restricted, but I still want to look nice. I also will be sitting for 3 hours (we take our orals first), and my committee will see the top half of me, so I'd like the better focus to be on my upper body. So many of my favorite dresses have more interesting skirts that I feel unsure of what to wear. I would prefer to wear a dress because it's just easier to wear, one less thing to put on.

When E. from Academichic sat for her written exam, she wore patterned tights, a scarf, a sweater dress, and boots, but I suspect it will still be rather hot when I take my exams in less than a month. I like the idea of bringing a cardigan, but I'm just so unsure of what to pick! I know I'll feel better once I have an outfit lined up.

What did you wear for your exams? What do you think I should wear?


meghan said...

For both my exams and my diss defense, I went with one of my favorite blousey tops, a cardigan, and roomy (but still professional) black slacks. I didn't want to have anything about my clothes (too tight, too warm, not warm enough, etc) distract me during the process. I also avoided wearing jewelry except for little earrings and my wedding ring after my advisor told me how many times she saw other students playing nervously with necklaces or absentmindedly spinning bracelets or fiddling with a scarf(and how distracting it was, or how it seemed to undermine their authority as they were answering questions!). I put my hair up in a bun for the same reason, because I have a tendency to twirl my hair when I'm anxious. So, overall I went for professional but perhaps rather bland... but I sure didn't care if my outfit wasn't my cutest as long as I passed, and felt confident doing so! :)
You're going to rock the exam no matter what you wear-- you know your stuff, and you've been studying for so long-- so just go with whatever you feel best in. For me it was that combo, but for you it might be a dress and leggings; just make sure it feels good before you walk out the door!

Ecrivaine said...

Oh, that is such good advice about jewelry! I am definitely a fiddler, but was planning to wear a necklace, but now that you mention it, I know I'll fiddle with it, so good idea to leave it plain! Thanks for the advice!

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